Case Study of the Film

 Horror movies have repeatedly been under scrutiny because of their graphic and inappropriate nature. However, some defend movies by saying they are just that, a movie. Some psychologists assert that violence and horror material can cause damage to the psyche.

Many people have even wanted them banned or have harsher restrictions to lessen the exposure. Graphic images, movies, and music receive ratings by the MPAA and PAL. These rating systems exist so children under a specific age won’t face exposure to horror movies without parental permission.

Researchers have studied whether they can cause damage to the psyche for decades. The results of the studies may surprise you.

However, horror movies do have a cult following and are loved by many people, despite their content.

One theory on why people enjoy horror films surrounds the excitation transfer theory. It suggests we receive our enjoyment from the feeling of suspense. Adverse effects turn into euphoria when the suspense ends, and the threat diminishes. If a resolution doesn’t occur, then dysphoria will increase.
